Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lost in Time

Life is full of changes.  Changes that often sends you into a tail spin that is difficult to recover from. However, as I am an experienced survivor and learning to thrive, I have begun to revitalize my creative spirit and take baby steps back on a fluid journey of artistry.

Since January of 2015 I have had to help place my beloved father in a Memory Care unit. His dementia made it impossible for us to keep him at home amongst us.  I had to help my mother deal with the fact that she could no longer take care of my Dad and is now living alone after 63 years of marriage.  Unfortunately, we experiences other disturbing events but we managed to meet the challenges they presented head on and survive.  We are blessed to live in a community of friends and family who have given us support which we sorely needed.

In the meantime, I took the plunge and joined Liz Lamoreux's Inner Excavation Course online this summer to help heal and rediscover my own passions and needs.  She has a fabulous book, you may have seen on the shelves of your local bookstore or on Amazon:

If you interested in creatively finding yourself again, buy and work through the lessons yourself.  I totally enjoyed working with her online and other passionate people who took the course. Hopefully, she will offer it again, I recommend it.  Here are a few of my collages from this summer:

If you are not a collage artist, Liz Mamoreux's book taps into the photographer and the writer in us as well.

Through my inner excavation I rekindled my thoughts on what I want to do with my life over the next phase.  Lordy!  I will be 60 years old in January and though time is fleeting and so much of what I am is in my rear view mirror, I still ask what do I want to be doing with my creativity?  The answer usually ping-pongs back and forth between textile arts and crafting, then zips betwixt drawing and painting only to buzz eager bees about mix media collage.  Where do I land?  What do I focus on? Do I have to focus on one thing?  What if I focus on many things will that spread me too thin?  These questions lead me to another question:  What will I regret not doing?  A very hard question to answer since I am not a soothsayer, right?  Nevertheless, I finally came to the conclusion that the best thing to do is just 'play'.  To let my inner child express itself without limitation or editing in the hopes I will find a direction...or not, yet enjoy the process along the way.

I hope to rekindle this blog with my journey's processes and outcomes.  So, stay tuned!